Marc Ribot

Marc Ribot’s insightful essay on the need to turn it up:

Marc Ribot Makes the Case for Loud Music

Published by paulknobloch5219

Paul Knobloch is a literary translator, writer, and editor based in Los Angeles. After studies abroad, he took a graduate degree in French Literature and taught English and French at California State University, Los Angeles and other local colleges while simultaneously building a career as a literary translator. Mr. Knobloch is especially well-known for his translations of Boris Vian with publisher Tosh Berman at TamTam Books. Together, he and Mr. Berman have made available many of Vian’s major works for the very first time in English, including Red Grass, long-listed for the BTBA Award in 2015. His most current undertaking, Everything Vanishes, an English translation of Catherine Cusset’s L’autre que j’adorait, is scheduled for release in Fall 2021 through Red Car Press. Mr. Knobloch blogs regularly on film at Dumber Than The Crudest Fiction. Please visit the Contact page for this and all relevant social media links.

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